Here are the Hymns and Songs for 2018. Our theme, "Unleashing God’s Power for 2018" is also a prayer that God will use His people as never before. As you learn to sing and share these hymns, may you and those around you be blessed.
The Great Judgment Morning
The Captain Calls for You
Called Unto Holiness
The Comforter Has Come
As a Volunteer
It Pays to Serve Jesus
In Times Like These
The Comforter Has Come
None of Self and All of Thee
Sweet Hour of Prayer
More Like the Master
We are Nearing Home
Moment By Moment
My Country 'Tis of Thee
Worthy, Worthy Is the Lamb
Are You Ready for Jesus to Come
There's a Great Day Coming
Waiting and Watching
There's a Green Hill Far Away
Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken
I've Got Peace Like a River
Steal Away to Jesus
I'll Be a Sunbeam
Spirit of God, Decend Upon My Heart
Missionary Volunteers
The Golden Morning